It's time to celebrate the end of the year, check out all we've done, and meet people. Home made mince pies and mulled apple juice....(donations of food welcomed!). And perhaps a chance to see some fun things on screen?!
Quaker Meeting House, Bourne Street
7.15 for a 7.30pm start 15th December 2022
Please do come along if you can!
More Dates: 12-4 Sunday 27 November Love the Lane "A very Local Christmas Market" including wonderful calendars from Joel Norman with spectacular photos of Lindow Moss (and much else!)
In January: there will be an exhibition at the Guild called "Window on Lindow" by eco-artist Phil Barton. More details soon!
New Year's Eve Walk: Fancy a walk on New Year's Eve? Join some of us at the end of Strawberry Lane at 10.30 am for a 2 hour walk. Dress for the weather and it will be MUDDY!
New Year's Resolutions: Forget head scratching about your New Year's resolutions, join us in tree planting, walks, cycling and gardening. If you'd like to volunteer please email