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Thanks for all of you who came last Saturday to buy potatoes, beans, peas, onions and garlic. It was a great morning, though we still have a lot of maincrop potatoes and onions if anyone wants them or knows who might like a load. They are at Oakenclough for collection Monday mornings from 10am, or Wednesday & Friday afternoons, or Sunday 25th Feb from 2pm.

Lindow Moss

We had an amazing launch of Friends of Lindow Moss last Saturday afternoon; did you come along? It was good to have such a fantastic turn out, including our MP and the Liberal Democrat candidate there to show support. There were some brilliant lectures. Find out more here: (

The next Transition Meeting is this Thursday, 15th February at 7.30pm at the Quaker Meeting House, 1a Bourne St. Everybody is welcome, just turn up.

If anyone would like to join Andrew and others at Unico Lounge Grove Street, to eat together from around 17.45, they would be very welcome - good for a chat and unwind, just turn up.

This month's meeting will consist of a short annual report and questions, and a talk from Phil Frodsham of Transition New Mills about ideas for what might happen for the national Transition Network. How can we all work together and share skills and ideas and knowledge across the regions? Transition Wilmslow are part of a world wide body of folk taking action on climate change. You can see more about the whole Transition movement here:

Repair Café

The next Transition Wilmslow repair café is on Saturday 2nd March at the halls of St Chad's Church, Handforth (SK9 3ES) between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm (last repairs accepted at 12:30 pm). All repairs and refreshments are free, but donations are welcome.

One for the Diary:

Sunday April 7th a Climate Fresk at the Friends meeting house 2-5pm

Want to help tackle climate change but don’t have the time to become a climate scientist?  PLAY YOUR PART IN THE CLIMATE TRANSITION BY JOINING THE CLIMATE FRESK MOVEMENT!

In just 3 hours, the collaborative Climate Fresk workshop will teach you the fundamental science behind climate change and empower you to take action. Come to the FREE workshop - and bring your friends and family. See more here: (

Tatton MP Watch

A couple of our regulars have started Tatton MP Watch, part of the nationwide MP Watch movement. The idea is to hold all MPs across the country accountable for their stance on climate change. If you'd like to get involved, a little or a lot, please email: ( for more information.

Gift Aid and Donating

You can now donate to our Charity via the homepage of the website,just click here ( .

If you want to Gift Aid your donation then see the attached document. Just let us know if you have any questions about this.

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We would like to invite you to the launch of the Friends of Lindow Moss at Wilmslow Guild, Bourne Street on Saturday February 3rd between 2pm and 4pm.


Lindow Moss support - a short history


Transition Wilmslow members have been raising community awareness of, and campaigning for, the restoration of Lindow Moss for more than a decade.  Led by Professor John Handley, there have been guided walks, lectures, a workshop, plant hunts, a Day School and other events as well as responses to planning applications and reports.


The Transition Wilmslow Lindow Moss Restoration Group was formed in early 2020 in response to concerns that the promised restoration (in return for selling off the peat farm site for housing) did not seem to be happening. The group, together with a group of community representatives met regularly to update on restoration progress and future prospects as well as commissioning a hydrology report and undertaking surveys and studies on site. They also organised a Lindow Moss Community Forum with lectures and discussions on zoom from 2020-2022 with between 50-80 attendees. 


Friends of Lindow Moss


The success of the Community Forum, the commencement of restoration and the need to reach out to people beyond Wilmslow led to discussions about setting up a Friends Group. Initially a subgroup of Transition Wilmslow it has the option of becoming an independent group at a future date. In September 20 people attended the launch of the interim committee and we are now ready for the public launch on 3rd February.


We would be delighted if you could join us at the launch, both to find out what current plans are and to contribute your thoughts and aspirations for the future of Lindow Moss.


If you would like to join us please follow the link here to reserve your space (the link will take you to Eventbrite, an external site).  Coffee and tea will be available from 1.30pm with proceedings starting at 2pm.  There will be updates on progress as well as the opportunity for wider discussion with attendees.


We really hope that you can join us as we begin the next stage of our support of Lindow Moss. 

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